Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
In the Ninno Sutra, the Buddha addresses [King Prasenajit] in these
words: . "When huge fires consume the nation and the people are all
burned to death, or when there are outbreaks of demon fire, dragon
fire, heavenly fire, mountain god fire, human fire, tree fire or
bandit fire --- when these prodigies appear, this is the third
Rissho Ankoku Ron
MWND, Vol. II, p. 10-11
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
The Sutra of the Benevolent King --Ninno Sutra --a Chinese Sutra
"Great King, the region where my teachings now hold sway consists of one
billion Sumeru worlds with one billion suns and moons. Each of these
Sumeru23 worlds comprises four continents. In the southern continent of
Jambudvipa, (The Land of the Rose Apple) there are sixteen major
five hundred middle-sized countries, and ten thousand small countries.
In these countries, there are seven types of fearful disasters that may
occur. All the rulers of these
countries agree that these are indeed disasters. What, then, are these
"When the sun and moon depart from their regular courses, when the seasons
come in the wrong order, when a red sun or a black sun appears, when two,
three, four or five suns appear at the same time24, when the sun is eclipsed
and loses its light, or when one, two, three, four or five coronas appear
around the sun, this is the first disaster.
"When the twenty-eight constellations do not move in their regular courses,
when the Metal Star25, the Broom Star, the Wheel Star, the Demon Star, the
Fire Star, the Water Star, the Wind Star, the Ladle Star, the Southern
Dipper, the Northern Dipper, the great stars of the Five Garrisons, and all
the many stars that govern the ruler, the three high ministers and the
hundred other officials -- when each of these stars manifests some peculiar
behavior, this is the second disaster. (All these stars are really the
characters on the Gohonzon)
"When huge fires consume the nation and the people are all burned to death,
or when there are outbreaks of demon fire, dragon fire, heavenly fire,
mountain god fire, human fire, tree fire or bandit fire26 -- when these
prodigies appear, this is the third disaster.
"When huge floods drown the population, when the seasons come out of order
and there is rain in winter, snow in summer, thunder and lightning in the
winter season, and ice, frost and hail in the sixth month, when red, black
or green rain falls, when mountains of dirt and stones come raining down, or
when it rains dust, sand or gravel, when the rivers and streams run
backward, when mountains are afloat and boulders are washed away-when
freakish happenings of this kind occur, this is the fourth disaster.
"When huge winds blow the people to their death and the lands, the mountains
and rivers and the trees and forests are all at one time wiped out, when
great winds come out of season or when black winds, red winds, green winds,
heavenly winds, earthly winds, fire winds and water winds blow -- when
prodigies of this kind occur, this is the fifth disaster.
"When heaven and earth and the whole country are stricken by terrible heat
so that the air seems to be on fire, when the hundred plants wither and the
five kinds of grain27 fail to ripen, when the earth is red and scorched and
the inhabitants all perish-when prodigies of this kind occur, this is the
sixth disaster.
"When enemies rise up on all four sides and invade the nation, when rebels
appear in the capital and the outlying regions, when there are fire bandits,
water bandits, wind bandits and demon bandits28, and the population is
subjected to devastation and disorder, and fighting and plundering break out
everywhere-when prodigies of this type occur, this is the seventh disaster."
Verse 29:
If I would make any proposition whatever [P], then by that I would have a
logical error [E];
But I do not make a proposition; therefore I am not in error. (2)