Daily Gosho Passage - 06 December
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2005-12-06 09:09:01 UTC
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Tenjiku (India) is also known as the land of Gasshi (the "moon clan"),
which signifies a country where a Buddha will make his advent. The
country of Fuso (Japan) is also called Nippon (origin of the sun).
Should not, then, a great sage also appear in Japan? The moon moves
from west to east. This is a sign that Indian Buddhism would spread
to the east. The sun rises in the east. This is an omen which
indicates that Japanese Buddhism is destined to return to India. The
light of the moon is languid. In the same way, [Shakyamuni] only
spent eight years of his life [preaching the Lotus Sutra]. The
brilliance of the sun outshines that of the moon. This is an omen
which indicates that Japanese Buddhism will illumine the interminable
darkness of the fifth five hundred-year period.

Remonstration to Bodhisattva Hachiman
Gosho, p. 1543

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

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2005-12-06 11:07:00 UTC
These new translations are very poor and quite disgraceful, adding meanings
into English that are not there.

Post by Jim Heckler
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
Tenjiku (India) is also known as the land of Gasshi (the "moon clan"),
which signifies a country where a Buddha will make his advent. The
country of Fuso (Japan) is also called Nippon (origin of the sun).
Should not, then, a great sage also appear in Japan? The moon moves
from west to east. This is a sign that Indian Buddhism would spread
to the east. The sun rises in the east. This is an omen which
indicates that Japanese Buddhism is destined to return to India. The
light of the moon is languid. In the same way, [Shakyamuni] only
spent eight years of his life [preaching the Lotus Sutra]. The
brilliance of the sun outshines that of the moon. This is an omen
which indicates that Japanese Buddhism will illumine the interminable
darkness of the fifth five hundred-year period.
Remonstration to Bodhisattva Hachiman
Gosho, p. 1543
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
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Mark P.
2005-12-06 14:05:54 UTC
Post by Yelps
These new translations are very poor and quite disgraceful, adding meanings
into English that are not there.
Not to mention that the moon also rises in the east.

Mark Porter
"The mirror of our mind and the mirror of the Buddha's mind are in fact the same mirror."
Try the new refined search feature on 175 Gosho at
2005-12-06 18:26:30 UTC
Post by Mark P.
Post by Yelps
These new translations are very poor and quite disgraceful, adding meanings
into English that are not there.
Not to mention that the moon also rises in the east.
Mark Porter<<<<<<<<<<<
That's not what is wrong. The Daishonin did say that. He was not making a
statement of scientific accuracy, The moon does generally appear closer to
due west when it rises, although at times of the year it appears to rise
closer to the east. An Astronomy program such as Starry Night can show you
where on the horizon it rises each day during the course of a year and you
can set it to show you a whole year in a few minutes. You can even go back
to the Daishonin's time and see exactly where it rises throughout the year
he wrote this gosho.

In this quotation (when translated decently) is a revelation about the
Daishonin's inner experience and a shared reality of a principle that
pertains not only to the spread of buddhist teachings, but to historical,
cyclical, gene pool migration, as traced with socio-biology.

